But when you look and step outside, you know it.
Temperature is anywhere between 50 and 65. Leaves are all over the place. Acorns and dead tree branches and sticks are falling into the yard and driveway. And most importantly, our flowers are all dying, yet the mums are starting to bloom.
And I also believe Blue Jay Orchards is open and ready for apple picking and a look at the pumpkin patch. Apple cider and donuts anyone?

Mother’s Day is celebrated for our family most special person our mother. Mother is a god gift for all people in the world. Every son/daughter is celebrated Mother’s Day for their mother; they express their feelings, love, and joy with their mom. Mother’s Day is celebrated in all over the world on different days; it means Mothers Day Date is not same in all over the world. In most countries, Mother’s Day is celebrated second Sunday of month May. Mother’s Day was first celebrated in 1908 when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew’s Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. St Andrew’s Methodist Church now holds the International Mother’s Day Shrine.