Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remember when....

10 years is a long time but not when thinking of this day, it comes back very easily. Remembering exactly where I was (at my desk), when it was I heard the news, the initial questions about the first plane being an accident, local coworkers who had friends and family in the WTC, phone calls coming in, phone calls not being able to be made, trying to organize work plans across the country, validating our coworkers were where they should be.... and realizing that the work itself was no longer the priority. It was about the people. The world seemed to stop around me as we all migrated to a TV, radio, as trying to get online was impossible. As we continued to watch in horror, we gathered together as a Pepsi Family. As the day moved on, we were told to go home. And we did and watched on TV as the rest of America did. As they say, the rest is history.

So now I sit and reflect while watching multiple news stories, memorial scenes and think that someone who was only 10 years old at the time is now 20? Amazing. Yet here I sit today and it feels like just 1 year ago... if that. We continue to think of all those who were on those flights, their families, the first responders, firefighters, police officers, and office workers & laborers. God Bless You. God Bless America.

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