Monday, November 10, 2008

Sad Day

Saturday morning was like any other. Jay and I were up and doing our thing. The dogs were enjoying their breakfast. Around 3, we left to go to Lexi's Birthday party which you can view soon on her blog. We had a great time. When we returned home, everything still seemed normal. By 9pm, I sat down to have some ice cream, which usually means the dogs smothering me for a lick or two. But this time, only Ace and Makita followed. I looked over at KC, and he seemed to not even notice. Earlier in the summer, KC's left eye had gone blind due to cataract issues. There was nothing we could do. But today, as I got closer, I could see the start of this also in his right eye. As I got closer, he didn't react at all. When I touched his nose lightly, he was completely startled by it. KC has gone blind. It has broken Jay and my hearts to have this happen. Especially that quick. We have a vet appt early today to get him checked out and see if there's any hope. In the meantime, we have to coach him to go outside, down the steps, to re-learn how to step down, or step up, and make his way around the house by sound and touch. But all in all, he's still the same dog, now just has to have some extra patience. We'll keep you posted on the vet visit.


  1. I am sorry to hear about KC. They adapt amzingly well. It may only take a little time to figure out where stuff is. Just don't move things around for a little while. We would get blind dogs in at the kennel it would take a short period and they would know where the fence was. I be thinking of you guys & KC!!

  2. Awhhh poor guy! Stinky had the same thing, his second eye went blind within 1 day :( At least KC still has his hearing. It was especially difficult for Stinky (and us) to be completly blind and deaf. We will be thinking of you!

  3. Aw..that is sad. I wonder what he must be thinking suddenly having everything go dark. :( Good to hear from Nickie that they can adapt pretty quickly though!

  4. Aw. That is sad. I'm sorry to hear about that! I hope he does adjusts quickly. In the meantime, he's a lucky dog to have such caring and patient owners like you guys.

  5. Oh my gosh! That happened so fast. Poor little guy....
