Last Saturday, we enjoyed Christmas with the George Family. This would be Jason's mom, Sheila, family celebration. We were able to spend the holiday with Tita (pronounced Ty-ta) who is Jay's grandmother, his Uncle Allan, Aunt Deb, and their daughters Shayna & Katie, as well as Unlce Jeffrey, who flew in from Florida. That weekend was our first blast of winter weather, so we were very fortunate for him to arrive safely. Sheila & Bruce cooked a delicious pork loin dinner with all the fixins'. We were stuffed. We then spent the rest of the evening opening gifts and enjoying the company of family.

Clockwise starting at top : Uncle Jeffrey, Tita, Uncle Allan, and Sheila.

The tree decorated beautifully with ornaments collected through the years.

Here was a great picture that we couldn't help but post.
From left : Aunt Deb, Shayna, Katie, Tita, and Sheila.
Looks like a fun group!!